Encouraging all aspects of Amateur Radio operation, public service and experimentation for scientific improvement of the art.
Click here for our latest monthly newsletter, SquakBox.
Contact Us
President: laragila@msn.com
Vice President: kg7oi@msn.com
Secretary: joe_stacy@hotmail.com
Treasurer: dons@sdalc.org
Webmaster: w4mhi@yahoo.com
Newsletter Editor: johntty@dhuibh.net
Elmer: elmer@w7bi.com
As a service to the community, we can offer our opinion on what your old electronics or ham radio equipment might be worth. If you have leftover or unused ham radio gear, we may be able to help provide advice on its value, and possibly remove equipment or sell things off, and we gratefully accept donations of surplus electronics. Contact a club officer to get started.
Emergency Communications
Refer to IssaquahCERT.org for a list of amateur radio frequencies used for emergencies.
2025 Club Meeting plans
Due to paperwork delay, our March meeting will be at the Mirrormont Community Club at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 5. The Club is located at 25500 SE Mirrormont Drive, Issaquah, WA. Traffic out of Issaquah to the south is heavy at 6PM so give yourself an extra 10 to 15 minutes beyond the normal 15-to-20-minute commute from downtown Issaquah. It is OK to bring food and consume it before the meeting. Doors will open at 6:15PM.
Program will be a discussion led by Bruce Halbert KG7OI about antenna analyzers. Members are encouraged to bring their favorite analyzers.
Hybrid Meetings
We hope to have the Zoom option for this meeting. Contact ka7tty@arrl.net for a Zoom invite to the meeting. There should also be a phone number you can call and participate with audio only.
For more online meeting details, please contact our president.
Recent Meeting
January: The officers for 2025:
President: Lara Flores WA7LNF
Vice President: Bruce Halbert KG7OI
Treasurer: Don Stewart KI7TTX
Secretary: Joe Stacy KC7JLM
Trustee: Rod Johnson WE7X
See SquakBox for details.
Email Reflector
Read what's happening on our email reflector at groups.google.com/group/issaquah-arc. Members, guests, and anyone interested can join our group!
Open to any person, regardless of age, sex, race or religion, who is interested in any aspect of Amateur Radio.
"Regular" membership is for those holding a valid Amateur Radio license issued or recognized by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission; and "Associate" membership is for those who do not hold such an Amateur Radio License.
Dues: $30/year. Pay in person when we have in person meetings. Also, try PayPal, to PayPal.me/RadioClubOfIssaquah.
Membership is free for those under 19 years of age.
Have news, pictures or comments for us? Send website comments to webmaster@w7bi.com and SquakBox comments to editor@w7bi.com!